
We believe in Free Speech as it is written and interpreted by the Constitution of The United States of America.

Unlike traditional social media platforms, YourVoyce is dedicated to keeping an open and censorship-free arena.  You and your followers/friends will be free to express your thoughts and opinions without the fear of being suspended or rejected by the service or those who operate it.

Unlike other platforms, YourVoyce does not solicit/receive advertising dollars. The platforms that use advertising money are at the mercy of those looking to promote their own ideas, and their own products.


Not here at YourVoyce.

We believe using money from advertisers would lead us down the road to censorship. To avoid that road, we require an annual membership fee.  For as little as $39 per year, we have a paid subscription plan that allows access to the Social Media Platform.
See our pricing plan here.

Like other platforms, you can follow your friends and family, post content and comments, view your timeline, and search through the user list to find others with similar topics of interest.  You can also share, like, and comment on any post. Have fun knowing you will not be shut down, suspended or canceled from the program – as long as you are posting within our terms of service.


Unlike other social media platforms, you must be invited to the YourVoyce program through an Independent Sales Agent (ISA).

You are currently on the website of [yv-repnamesc] .  If you have stumbled upon this website and have not been invited by an Independent Sales Agent, the YourVoyce corporation will be your Independent Sales Agent during enrollment. After you complete the registration process, we will assign you to an Independent Sales Agent.

[yv-repfirstnamesc]’s Agent ID number is [yv-repidsc] and we have prefilled the box below for your convenience.  To begin the enrollment process with [yv-repnamesc] as your Independent Sales Agent, simply click the REGISTER NOW button.

If you have found yourself here at our corporate website AND you know your Independent Sales Agent’s ID number, please enter the proper Independent Sales Agent ID number in the box below. This will guarantee your Independent Sales Agent receives the proper credit for your membership.  Then click the REGISTER NOW button.

Your Sales Agent

will be [yv-repnamesc] unless you enter your ISA’s Agent ID number.


Come on along and join the YourVoyce Social Media Experience today!

Register To Become a YourVoyce Member Now!